6/4/24 - Mark 5:25-34

Mark 5: 25-34


A woman had been suffering from a hemorrhage for twelve years. Despite consulting many doctors and spending all her money, her condition only worsened. Upon hearing about Jesus, she approached Him in the crowd, believing that touching His cloak would heal her. Immediately after she touched His cloak, her bleeding stopped, and she felt in her body that she was healed from her suffering. Jesus immediately sensed that power had gone out from Him. He turned around in the crowd and asked, "Who touched my clothes?" His disciples were puzzled and pointed out the large crowd pressing against Him, implying that many people were touching Him. Despite the crowd, Jesus around to see who had done it. The woman, knowing what had happened to her, approached Jesus with fear and trembling. She fell at His feet and told Him the whole truth, acknowledging her act and healing. Jesus responded with "Daughter, your faith has healed you and go in peace, freed from your suffering."


This woman's condition was definitely chronic and exhausting. The fact that she had suffered for twelve years and sought help from many doctors without success emphasizes her desperation and hopelessness. Hearing about Jesus sparked hope within her. A simple belief that just by touching Jesus's garment would heal her showcases her deep faith and understanding of Jesus's power. And the very moment she touches His cloak, the healing was instantaneous and complete, indicating the miraculous power of Jesus. Her immediate physical sensation of being healed affirms the reality of the miracle. Jesus awareness of the power that went out from Him highlights His divine nature. His questioning on who touched his garment wasn't for His benefit but to draw the woman out, allowing her to publicly acknowledge her healing. The disciple's response underscores the crowded and chaotic environment, contracting with Jesus's awareness of a single act of faith. They did not understand that Jesus was referring to a specific touch of faith rather than a casual touch. Jesus's determined search for the person who touched Him demonstrates His desire for personal interaction and acknowledgment of faith. It shows that He values individual faith amidst a multitude. The woman's fear and trembling reflect her awe and reverence for Jesus, as well as her recognition of the social and religious implications of her act. Her confession was an act of humility and faith. Jesus's addressing the woman as "Daughter" is tender and affirming, emphasizing her inclusion in the family of God. His statement that her faith made her well underscores the importance of faith in receiving God's blessings. Jesus also grants her peace and confirms her healing, indicating a complete restoration not just physically but also spiritually.

Personal Reflection:

Growing up in a Christian household and the church, I would hear all throughout my life "faith can move mountains." I truly believed that even with the smallest amount of faith, through God's grace and mercy my mother would come back to us and we would live our lives as a family once, again. Yet it did not happen, and I sit here wondering why I never stopped believing in Him though. Many of my friends left the church and stopped believing in similar situations as mine. I would get questions such as "why are you still going to church?" and "if God never answered your prayer then why still believe?" During that time I never really had a good answer to reply back other than "just cause" or "God doesn't have to answer every prayer" or "I believe because I choose to believe." Looking back I can see that God never wanted me to lose sight on Him. Just like how He sought after the person who touched His cloak, I felt that God sought after me in His way by surrounding me with other brothers and sisters who would listen to me, comfort me, pray for me and simply showing kindness and love. Overall, at the end of it, what I was truly seeking for the emotional pain to be healed and through faith in Him, I have come to a better place in my life where I am able to let go a lot of the pain, struggles, hardship, suffering and misfortune that took place in my early years. The biggest test of my faith was when I chose to keep our unborn child and put our faith in God to provide when we really had nothing nor were we in the right situation to even have children. Looking back there were a series of questions that would not be answered right away. But God was faithful and never left me even though I was doing sinful acts. Again, God surrounded me with people who were loving, they did not judge me for my sin, they did not quickly scold me for the result of my action; instead they showed me agape compassion. God's faith and His power is ever so great and without Him, my family would not be where they're currently at right now. Now the next challenge to our faith is knowing that where God will lead us next is great and when we do make that decision is truly what God wants. 


Faith is tough. Nothing about it is easy. Majority of us wants to be able to touch things, feel things, be able to fully measure things before we can fully acknowledge whatever it may be. The world loves to go by the mantra of "seeing is believing." Having that strong faith when everything in life is going well, or when your on a such a high feeling after a strong emotional experience, or when you're coming back from a retreat and you have that revival-type hype. But it's during the lowest times, possibly the darkest times is when your faith will be truly tested. I'm not going to lie, my faith has been tested on numerous occasions throughout my life time. Right now, I think it would be safe to say my faith is being tested. I'm not at a dark time in my life nor is it at a low but I do question on where is it that God is leading me and my family. I want to see the end game from His point of view but also at the same time I want to make sure where we end up next in terms of housing is where God wants us to be. I know in the past when I was single, it was easier in my opinion to stay faithful because if something was to happen to me then that's fine because it's only me. Fast forward to present time, I'm responsible on making sure that I help guide the family of four to where God wants us to be. That's not an easy task. It requires me to be a mature Christian. And it's not just my faith that's being tested but it's also my patience as we have been waiting for several years to get an opportunity to truly buy a new home. When that time does come, I pray that I kept my faith and my dying love and yearn for God. I will need to read the Word more and be more consistent with it. Even after DT, I want to make sure I continue to do my QT and have a stronger bond w/God through His Word. 


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