1/7/23 - Mathew 13:1-13

 Mathew 13:1-13 -- The Parable of the Sower


Jesus spoke to a large gathering. He told them about a story of a sower who scattered four different types of seeds/soil. The first type of ground was hard therefore the seed could not grow at all and easily got snatched. The second type of ground was stony with very little soil; the seed was able to grow but due to the lack of deep roots (minimal soil), the seed withered in the sun. The third type of ground was thorny and while the seed was able to grow, it could not complete with the number of thorns that simply took overtook it. The fourth type was good soil that allowed the seed to plant deep, grow strong and bear fruit.


The sower is Jesus and the seed is the word. The different types of soil represent the different types of responses to the Gospel. The hard ground represents someone with a hardened heart that hears the word of God but does not accept it which allows Satan to easily keep the person from hearing God and growing. The stony ground represents someone who is aware of the Gospel and has an interest in learning more about God but because his heart is not fully/deeply rooted in God and the Word when hard times come their faith is not strong enough to stand. The thorny ground is someone who receives the Gospel but they have too many sins and distractions in their life like worries, finances, lust, addictions, etc. These distractions have taken over their mind and heart that they cannot hear nor grow in the Word. The goos soil/ground is someone who has heard and fully receives God's word where it becomes deeply rooted which in turn allows the person to grow and bear good fruit. Jesus is trying to use this parable to teach how important the state of our hearts needs to be in order to fully receive the gospel. 

Personal Reflection:

Looking back I would fall under the category of thorny soil. I always knew and believed God existed and He was part of my life, but my faith wasn't strong enough to know God was in full control. I would constantly worry about school, grades, money, career, relationships, and other things which blocked me from truly growing into the person God wants me to be. What's even worse is sometimes I allow sin to take over even when I hear God's voice telling me not to. 


Ever since I became a believer, I would dive back and forth between thorny and good soil. I have seen my faith bearing good fruit and others around me growing in the word but when hindrances in life hit or when pride takes over, that fruit turns rotten or non-existent. I became the person with thorny soil. Right now in my life, I need to fully trust the Lord and put all my worries, fear, and uncertainty in His hands. There are simply too many unknowns going on and if I allow my faith to be in thorny soil then I can definitely see Satan disrupting my growth in God and in the Word.


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