1/16/24 - Mark 4:35-41

 Mark 4: 35-41


Evening came and Jesus said to His disciples that He wanted to go to the other side. At that moment, the disciples took Jesus on a boat and there were other boats with Him. At some point, a storm hit even to the point where the waves would start getting into the boats nearly flooding them. During the storm, Jesus was in a deep slumber on a cushion. The disciples came to Jesus waking Him and telling Him to help them out during the dire moment. Jesus got up and commanded the winds and waves to be calm in which the winds died and the entire weather was clear and tranquil. Jesus would then turn to His disciples and rebuked them by questioning their faith. The disciples were stunned about what transpired and feared Jesus's power that even the wind and waves obeyed Him.


Prior to Jesus and the disciples traveling on the boats Jesus had been teaching to a large crowd using parables. Jesus showcasing to His disciples that even He needed rest and suggested to His disciples to cross the other wide of the Sea of Galilee. During the journey, a great storm arose and the disciples fearing for their lives, wakes up Jesus and cried out to Him to basically saved them. Here Jesus shows His authority over life including nature itself. The storm being violent where the waves were fierce and uncontrollable to the point where experienced fishermen feared for their lives. Despite the storm's intensity, Jesus remained asleep illustrating His calm demeanor and assurance and lack of fear. Jesus demonstrated His authority over the chaos of the storm including the natural elements. After Jesus awoke and hearing His disciples' cries, He immediately responded and everything around them became still therefore showing His authority over creation. Once their surroundings cooled, Jesus questioned His disciples' faith expressing His disappointment, but it was more of Jesus telling His disciples to trust Him and His power as Jesus is in full control.

Personal Reflection:

This passage here is an ongoing, cyclical story that constantly takes place in my life. Ever since I accepted Jesus into my heart, started to follow Him and becoming a disciple myself, I have faced numerous storms, some where I thought I wasn't going stay as a Christian, yet I always plead for Jesus's help. One thing I can always appreciate is Jesus's calm demeanor where His presence alone helps me move forward with my problems, storms, hinderances, etc. I remember when I was told my girlfriend told me she was pregnant and I felt helpless, lost including shameful for my actions. I could have ran like a coward and not face my sins, not repent and ultimately take the "easy" way out. But when I prayed to God, asked for forgiveness and repented, I remember God's presence. It was as if He was giving me a well needed hug. I remember Him telling me in my heart to have faith that He will be with me and June. Jesus was there every step of the way, from June and me telling our parents, telling the church, telling our friends, the love and support that we received was all due to God and the rest was history. Fast forward to the current time, right now the biggest storm in my life is trying to figure out what to do with my family's path based on where God wants us to go and what He wants us to do. It's been rather difficult because ever since we moved back to the Bay Area, it's been a lot of silence and I trying my best to stay the course, staying faithful and trusting that God is with us at the same time obeying His commands. Some times I see myself thinking it'll just be easier to give up and just do what the world wants me to do but I'm happy that I never did. Admittingly it's tempting but I know that deep down God and the Holy Spirit is reminding me to stay faithful as God will always stay faithful not just to me but to my family.


One thing God constantly reminds me that even though I have obeyed Him by not aborting I still need to be the man of the house. I know that it's not enough just to have the child as God wants me to raise the child as the child is God's and He wants me to take care and raise the child as He's done with us. I need to continue to do my QT so that I'm not only developing and nurturing my relationship with God but I want it to get to the point where I know the path that I'm taking is where God wants me to go. I know there will be bumps down the road and I know there will be hinderances along the way, but with God, He will help me stay calm as He's in full control. God is all powerful and He's omniscient and that alone should strenghten my faith in Him. I want to show that to my kids so that when they go through tough times, they won't panic crying out to God like how the disciples did. Instead I want them to continue to pray to God and have Him be the backbone in their lives knowing that God is with them every step of the way. Too many of us only go to God when we are in trouble even when we have experienced tough moments in our lives we still go to God thinking He'll just take care of everything like some miraculous even taking place making all the troubles go away. I don't want that for my family and I'll continue to pray and obey Him.


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