5/19/24 - Romans 8:1-7

Romans 8:1-7


Believers who are in Chris Jesus are free from condemnation. The last of the Spirit of life has set believers free from the law of sin and death. God sent His Son, Jesus, in human form to condemn sin in human nature. Thos who live according to the flesh has a mindset focused on worldly desires, which leads to spiritual death and hostility toward God.


For those who are believes in Jesus are free from any condemation because of Jesus' sacrifice; therefore, there is no guilt, or punishment for sin for those who have accepted Him as Savior. The "law of the Spirit of life" refers to the Holy Spirit's work, which brings life and freedom. The law has liberated believers from the "law of sin and death", meaning the binding power and consequences of sin and spritual death. This freedom is now found in Jesus. The law in the Old Testament could not save people because it was "weakened by the flesh" (human nature's sinful tendencies). God accomplished what the law could not by sending His Son, Jesus, who came in human form (likeness of sinful flesh) and addressed sin through His sacrificial death. Jesus' sacrifice allows the "righteous requirement of the law" to be met in believers. This fulfillment is not based on human acts, deeds or efforts, but instead on living out according to the Holy Spirit. In other words, believes live in a way that aligns with God's standards through the Spirit's guidance and power. There are two ways of living: according to the flesh and according to the Spirit. Those who live by the flesh focus on worldly, sinful desires, while those who live by the Spirit focus on spirtual, Godly matters. There are two consequences of the mindset based on the two ways of living. A mindset focused on the flesh leads to spritual death (separation from God), while a mindset focused on the Spirit leads to eternal life and peace with God. A flesh-focused mindset is inherently opposed to God. Such a mind is rebellious and unable to submit to God's law or will. Therefore living according to the flesh can never be harmonious with God. 

Personal Reflection:

When I read this powerful passage, it reminds me the transformative power of being in Jesus Christ and living according to the Holy Spirit. It's so easy to fall back into the world's trap of possessions, 'feel good' sinful nature and/or any other selfish desire out there. If I am a true believer then I need to constantly remind myself that I am free from all of that because of Jesus' sacrifice. And now I am called to live by the Spirit in order to fulfill God's law. For the longest time, I have been battling with what it is that I wanted to do even within the church. Ever since college and into my young career, in the church that I was serving I would tell God that I want to help mentor the youth (i.e. high school age) but it never happened. It could be a number of reasons but when I did get the opportunity to lead my cell group, I allowed my immaturities and lack of experience affect the group and within time I stepped down (which was for the best). But after that, I did not want to serve as I felt burnt out and simply did not want to deal with people and mainly focused on my own desires. However, those desires lead to sin and eventually those sins lead to a situation where I met the crossroad of doing something based on the decision of what most would do according to the world or the decision based on what God was calling me to do according to the Good Book. Fast forward to present day, recently I have been asked to serve the church by being a cell group leader and when I read this passage, I will share with the cell group this passage and that we should ingrain this into our lives and how we live. I can see how the young married couples struggle with their priorities: career, relationships, lifestyle, etc. It's a struggle but having them prioritize on God regardless of the situation will be the most difficult. I would know because even June struggles with it herself. 


I pray for patience. I pray for understanding. I pray for grace and mercy. While I get frustrated, God reminds me that I was there at some point and even I, myself, am not perfect nor come close to it. It will require time for each person to prioritize God over every thing in their lives. I know it's a struggle because I was there being a young married couple, always prioritizing us and our schedule over everything else. Eventually prioritizing our baby over everything else along with a second child. And what's somewhat shocking in a way is I see it clearly as if what I went through is being lived through the married couples in the cell group and even other married couples in the church. I feel for them. I pray for them. I wish I could let them know that each passing year will be met with new challenges and that whatever they're going through right now will only prepare them for the future them. I want to let them know that this passage is ridiculously important because it calls us out on how little we think of God. We don't prioritize our relationship with God. We simply take Him for granted. Even something little like getting together to worship, praise and learn more about Him can be quite challenging and frustrating. But I know God is asking me to stay patient and understanding because I was there and God never left me so shouldn't I follow that mindset? 


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