11/07/23 - Luke 15:11-32
Luke 15:11-32
A father has two sons. The younger son asks for his inheritance in advance and goes to a distant country, where he squanders his wealth on reckless living. When a famine hits the land of that country, the son becomes destitute and decides to return home asking his father for forgiveness, even if it meant becoming a servant himself in his father's household.
Upon seeing his son returning, the father is filled with compassion and runs to embrace him. The father orders a celebration, symbolizing the joy over the son's return. The father's older son takes notice of everything that has taken place and this deeply upsets the older son, who has remained faithful and obedient throughout the entire time. At some point, the father would plead/beg his older son to come inside the house to celebrate. The older son would in turn question his father's actions and ultimately displayed his resentment. The father reassured the older son of his love but went on to explain the reason for the celebration was simply the return of the lost son.
Whenever I read this passage on the 'Parable of the Prodigal Son', the biggest take away the parable illustrates is God's unconditional love and forgiveness. The father in the story obviously represents God, who eagerly awaits and loving welcomes back his long lost son. This surely demonstrates that no matter what and no matter how far the younger son strayed or how badly he may have sinned, God was and is always willing and ready to forgive the younger son. BUT that's if he genuinely repents. The younger son was reckless and he was eventually humbled when he squandered everything and eventually became impoverished. The younger sons's decision to return home symbolizes repentance and the desire for redemption and it's met with open arms by the father (in our case, God). Repentance serves a powerful reminder of the importance of turning away from sin and returning to God.
There are some more takeaways that we all can learn. Taking a deeper look into the older sons's reaction to his brother's return exposes just how dangerous jealousy and self-righteousness can be or simply put selfish thoughts will lead us down the road to sinful thoughts. Most Christians who remain faithful tend to struggle extending their forgiveness, grace and mercy to those who have fallen. This aspect of the story is a warning against self-righteousness and the need for understanding and compassion. Instead, God wants us to put more emphasis on the joy and celebration when there are those who do indeed repent. In the parable, the father decides to throw a feast and it symbolizes the father's (God) reaction on bringing back the lost. Lastly, this parable showcases an enormous way on how much God loves us; the parabale stresses the importance of God's love and His forgiveness, and when we reconcile with God, He will show us grace and mercy which is the prime example us believers should be toward others.
Personal Reflection:
There have been countless moments in my life where I was the prodigal son. The prime example was when I simply did not listen nor heed God's warnings when it comes to relationships I had in the past prior to marrying June. Long story short, I was dating a girl who God would tell me is not the one and told me to focus more on my relationship with God than putting so much emphasis and time being spent on her. Things did not turn out well for a number of reasons but I had to ask for forgiveness and repent. After a couple of years of being single, I started dating June and there were plenty of signs that June is not someone I should be dating yet I still purposely ignored them. In fact, my prodigal son moment was when I went to God and asked Him to give me my inheritence; I pleaded with God (more like bargain) on "allowing" me to date June. The main reason why God was commanding me to stop the relationship was due to the strong presence of sinful lust within both June and me. Our sin eventually lead to June's pregnancy and with that could have lead us to another sin in abortion. That was when I went to God, pleaded forgiveness and understood that I needed to repent.
One key area I need to watch out for is when I can see myself behaving like the older son. Back in my old church, there was a moment when a nonbeliever who was deep in sin became saved and that same person gained recognition and popularity within the church. The most frustrating part was when I announced an idea to a group of friends that included the recently saved person, they took the idea and proposed it to the church which became a very successful event and I did not receive any credit whatsoever. God knew I was frustrated and what's even worse I made sure God knew I was frustrated. I prayed and voiced and vented to God about what took place. God, being the graceful Father, did not bat an eye and humbled me. I knew the Holy Spirit was present when I felt deep down "is this for the glory for you? or the glory for God?" followed with the question "the event was a success for the church and yet you're angry?" What a humbling moment and it's something that I know Satan likes to tug on me. Deep down I'm the type of person who wants recognition even when it comes down to people act on the suggestions that I offer.
Right now in my life, I can see opportunities for me to go to God telling Him that I want to do things my way. The main two topics would be career and the search for a new place to live. There have been a few opportunities where I could leave my current job simply for higher wage but deep down I know it's something I should not take even though there's more money. I never acted on it but looking back if I did accept the offer and leave my current employer, I would have been let go or run the high risk of being let go as those companies either have dissolved or going through serious amount of cuts/layoffs. Satan is dangling the financial aspect in front of me and he knows how to maneuver his way into my thoughts where it would lead me to not listen to what God is telling me what to do and offer His guidance. Being in constant prayer, being consistent with my QTs and simply sharing my thoughts with God needs to be maintained so that I do not fall into the world's tempations in this case the conception that having more money would lead to improved quality of life for me and the family. I'm the type of person who wants to be given credit even if it's something so small like offering a suggestion to a restaurant. God has humbled me throughout the years that getting or receiving credit and getting that recognition is not important; jealousy and envy are very sneaky feelings that Satan will pounce on and lead us down the road to sin. I know gaining recognition in this world is not important in life but it's part of who I am and I do notice it from time to time that feeling will creep up but I do my best to not let it get to me as I will do a quick prayer to God. Over the years I have given all the credit to God and I want to continue to do that. I need to remind myself that nothing was accomplished by me; instead, it was God who got me to where I am in life and not by my hands. So when someone who is lost has been found and they start gaining recognition, I will be joyous for them as God is using them the way He wants to use them and what's even more amazing is that they are obeying God.
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