1/24/23 - 1 King 18:41-46
1 King 18:41-46 Observation: 41-46: Elijah tells Ahab to eat and drink and there will be heavy rain on the way. Elijah then goes up to the top of Mount Carmel and starts praying. Elijah would tell his servant to look at the sea and report back any findings. This process would take place seven times and on the seventh time, the servant reported back stating there's a small cloud rising from the sea. Once Elijah heard this, he told his servant to go and inform Ahab about how rain will come shortly. As his servant is on riding towards Ahab, heavy rainfall started pouring down and Ahab goes to Jezreel. Through the power of the Lord, Elijah got up and ran to Jezreel staying ahead of Ahab. Interpretation: It should be noted that there are numerous people gathered at Mount Carmel including King Ahab, Elijah, Elijah's servant Obadiah (whoever is reading this, I wanted to name Benjamin, Obadiah or Solomon but Jiyoon immediately said no), idol prophets and others. To bring further contex...