
Showing posts from January, 2023

1/24/23 - 1 King 18:41-46

1 King 18:41-46 Observation: 41-46: Elijah tells Ahab to eat and drink and there will be heavy rain on the way. Elijah then goes up to the top of Mount Carmel and starts praying. Elijah would tell his servant to look at the sea and report back any findings. This process would take place seven times and on the seventh time, the servant reported back stating there's a small cloud rising from the sea. Once Elijah heard this, he told his servant to go and inform Ahab about how rain will come shortly. As his servant is on riding towards Ahab, heavy rainfall started pouring down and Ahab goes to Jezreel. Through the power of the Lord, Elijah got up and ran to Jezreel staying ahead of Ahab. Interpretation: It should be noted that there are numerous people gathered at Mount Carmel including King Ahab, Elijah, Elijah's servant Obadiah (whoever is reading this, I wanted to name Benjamin, Obadiah or Solomon but Jiyoon immediately said no), idol prophets and others. To bring further contex...

1/17/23 - Mathew 20:17-23

Mathew 20:17-28 Observation: 17-19: Jesus goes to Jerusalem with his twelve disciples and predicts his death to them by being handed over to the Pharisees. And as a collective, the people will mock, torture, and eventually crucify Him. But on the thrid day, Jesus also predicts he will raise from the dead. 20-28: The mother of Zebedee's sons asks Jesus if He would be able to grant her the favor of having her two sons sit next to Jesus (one on the left and the other on the right). Jesus then replies letting the mother know that she does not know what she's asking for and asks the two sons if they can drink from His cup that he's about to drink to which the sons replied stating they can. Jesus explains to the sons and everyone around him that sitting next to Jesus is not for Him to decide as the Kingdom belongs to the Father. Jesus goes on to further explain how the earthly rulers seek to show their greatness by ruling over the people and showing off their power. The final mes...

1/7/23 - Mathew 13:1-13

 Mathew 13:1-13 -- The Parable of the Sower Observation: Jesus spoke to a large gathering. He told them about a story of a sower who scattered four different types of seeds/soil. The first type of ground was hard therefore the seed could not grow at all and easily got snatched. The second type of ground was stony with very little soil; the seed was able to grow but due to the lack of deep roots (minimal soil), the seed withered in the sun. The third type of ground was thorny and while the seed was able to grow, it could not complete with the number of thorns that simply took overtook it. The fourth type was good soil that allowed the seed to plant deep, grow strong and bear fruit. Interpretation: The sower is Jesus and the seed is the word. The different types of soil represent the different types of responses to the Gospel. The hard ground represents someone with a hardened heart that hears the word of God but does not accept it which allows Satan to easily keep the person from he...