
Showing posts from July, 2024

7/17/24 - Acts 7:54-60

Acts 7: 54-60 Observation: Stephen was speaking to a Jewish council and after listening to Stephen's speech, the council was enraged and expressed their anger physically ("gnashed their teeth"). Stephen's state described as "full of the Holy Spirit" looks up and sees a vision of the "glory of God" and Jesus "standing at the right hand of God." Stephen then shares his vision with the Jewish council, specifically nothing "heaven open" and "the Son of Man" standing at God's right hand. The Jewish council's reaction was violent as they covered their ears refusing to hear and shouted loudly at Stephen. The Jewish council then dragged Stephen out of the city and began to stone him. Thos participating in the stoning laid their coats at Saul's feet. While Stephen was getting stoned, he prayed to Jesus, calls outs to Jesus asking Jesus to "receive my spirit." Stephen's final act was praying out loud to

7/03/24 - Luke 10:30-37

   Luke 10: 30-37 Observation: Jesus tells a parable to a lawyer (expert in the law) who asks, "Who is my neighbor?" Jesus starts off with a man travelling from Jerusalem to Jericho. The man was attached by robbers and left in a vulnerable state, highlighting his dire need for assistance. The priest, a religious figure expected to exhibit compassion, chooses to ignore the wounded man, avoiding him entirely by passing on the opposite side. Similar to the priest, the Levite, another figure associated with religious duties, also chooses to avoid the injured man, demonstrating a lack of compassion. But a Samaritan showed compassion towards the ignored man by going above and beyond to care for him. The Samaritan provided immediate medical attention and ensured the man has a safe place to recover. Also, the Samaritan commits to covering the ongoing costs for the man's recovery.  Jesus turns the question back to the lawyer, prompting him to reflect on the actions of the characte