
Showing posts from May, 2024

5/27/24 - Acts 16:25-34

  Acts 16: 25-34 Observation: Despite being in prison, Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns while other prisoners were listening to them. A miraculous event suddenly occurs, a great earthquake shakes the prison, opening all the doors and unfastening everyone's bonds. The jailer, assuming that the prisoners have escaped, prepares to kill himself, as he would be held responsible for their escape and likely face severe punishment. Paul intervenes, shouting to stop the jailer from harming himself, and assures him that all the prisoners are still present. The jailer, trembling with fear, calls for lights and rushes in to find Paul and Silas, and the jailer falls before them. The jailer directly asks Paul and Silas what he must do to be saved. Paul and Silas respond with the simple but profound message of salvation that the jailer and his household must believe in Jesus. Paul and Silas share the gospel message with the jailer and his entire household, teaching them about the wor

5/19/24 - Romans 8:1-7

Romans 8:1-7 Observation: Believers who are in Chris Jesus are free from condemnation. The last of the Spirit of life has set believers free from the law of sin and death. God sent His Son, Jesus, in human form to condemn sin in human nature. Thos who live according to the flesh has a mindset focused on worldly desires, which leads to spiritual death and hostility toward God. Interpretation: For those who are believes in Jesus are free from any condemation because of Jesus' sacrifice; therefore, there is no guilt, or punishment for sin for those who have accepted Him as Savior. The "law of the Spirit of life" refers to the Holy Spirit's work, which brings life and freedom. The law has liberated believers from the "law of sin and death", meaning the binding power and consequences of sin and spritual death. This freedom is now found in Jesus. The law in the Old Testament could not save people because it was "weakened by the flesh" (human nature's