8/29/23 - John 11: 17-44
John 11: 17-44 Observation: Jesus arrives to Bethany four days after Lazarus has been buried in the tomb. Martha overheard Jesus was coming and she sought out Jesus. When meeting Jesus, Martha expressed her sorrow and confessed her faith in Jesus. Mary also sought Jesus and when she saw Jesus, she expressed her sorrow. Jesus saw Mary and the crowd of Jews crying, which He became deeply moved by the sorrow of those mourning and went to the tomb. Jesus asked for the stone sealing to be rolled away. Then, Jesus prayed to God, thanking Him for always hearing Him. Jesus would then cry out with a loud voice, "Lazarus, come forth." Lazarus, who had been dead for four days, emerged from the tomb, still wrapped in burial clothes. Jesus would instruct the people to "Unbind him, and let him go." Interpretation: There are several takeaways from this passage. First and obvious one to me is Jesus's Divine power where Jesus showcases his control over life and death. It's a...